Wednesday, September 24, 2008


September 20th marked the one-year anniversary of the historic march to free the Jena Six in Jena, La. Much has happened in the year that has passed. However, five of the cases are still pending and the Jena Six are not yet free. Mychal Bell, on the advice of his attorneys, entered a guilty plea and is being remanded in foster care in Monroe, La. The plea deal mandates that his parents would have to pay for the medical bills of Justin Barker (the so-called victim), Mychal still can't come home and his parents have to pay "child support" to the state of La. while he is in foster care. I have never heard anything like that before in my life. Mychal Bell later stated regret for accepting the plea deal. His experience is no different from the other millions of young Black males lost in the maze of the criminial justice system.
On a lighter note, the judge (Judge Mauffrey) was finally recused from the cases. This would not have happened without the support of the thousands of people who mobilized in support of the Jena Six. We are also waiting to hear word regarding the removal of racist D.A. Reed Walters, as well. The other 5 cases are still pending and awaiting resolution. I have heard some murmurings about the movement to free the Jena Six having been "in vain". Nonsense. Nothing that you do for God and your people is done in vain.

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