Wednesday, December 10, 2008


16 year-old Ikye Nmezu killed over rap lyrics
A so-called "beef" over lyrics excanged via Youtube led to the death of a 16-year old aspiring rapper in London. Iky Nmezu was attacked with a brick by an 18-year old rival rapper who was offended by his lyrics. Nmezu was taken to the hospital twice where doctors prescribed pain medication and sent him home assuming he was okay. He eventually died from a brain abscess.
This is a classic example of the influence rap artists in America have over youth around the world. It is evident that the commercialization of BEEF in hip-hop has caught on globally. It's time for artists to put away childish things and accept the responsibility of world leadership. The rise of Barack Obama has to eyes of the entire world on the Black man and woman in America. Hip-hop falls into the equation. It is the most influential art form on the entire planet and it is time we accepted the responsibility of leadership. If not, God has the right to hand the reigns of leadership over to another generation if He pleases. BEEF is the enemy of unity and unity is the key to power. Think about it.

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