Tuesday, October 28, 2008

QUEEN OF THE WEEK: "Good Mornng America" Features Houston's Lizzie Revels who Works 5 Jobs to Make Ends Meet

Houston's Lizzie Revels works 5 jobs to support she and her children. She drives a school bus, a mosquito truck, a limousine, works at a sports stadium and does office work on the side. She was featured on Good Morning America as a single mother who has grabbed the bull by the horns during these troubled economic times. Lizzie Revels represents hard-working Black women across America and we admire her grind. However, I can't wait for the day when we Black men take our rightful places so that no Black woman has to work this hard just to pay the bills. Salute, Sister Lizzie!!!


  1. Bro. Deric,
    Please let the people know that the world is changing. The old way of making money is slowly dying: the dollars for hours tradeoff that underpays the employee, often overpays the employer, and penalizes the employee for any dropoff in business with layoffs and cutbacks.

    The internet is quickly becoming a way for hard working people to make a good living. Take a look and you'll see:50,000 live off their income earned on ebay, for example. Ten million millionaires will be made in the next 10 years, many created by internet business.

    People need to learn what internet marketing is. Affiliate marketing, in addition, creates 5 figure incomes monthly for those willing to take the time to learn and apply it.
    MLM, or network marketing, soar on the internet!
    Don't just use your computer to chat and surf! It is the tool to your fortune! Hollaback.

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