Wednesday, October 1, 2008

FEAR OF A BLACK PLANET: Louisiana State Rep. wants to offer $1,000 to Poor Women to Have Tubes Tied

Louisiana State Rep. John Labruzzo has "an idea". The guy is proposing legislation for $1,000 payouts to "state-sponsored" females for tubal ligations. In other words, he wants to offer welfare recipients "a grand" to get their "tubes tied". Labruzzo, popular for "air-brained" ventures such as these, believes that this state sanctioned form of "eugenics" will reduce the population of people dependent on the government and relieve the burden shouldered by the hard working people of Louisiana. Many organizations decry that his plan is aimed at depopulating the state of it's many "minorities". Labruzzo's brain is out to kill him. I thought that the way to shorten the welfare lines was to lengthen the employment lines. Since lack of education and poverty, too often, live in the same household then why not create educational opportunities or help to create a new educational paradigm that teaches people to "do for themselves". Is it the "Browning of America" that Labruzzo fears? This guy is to "two fries short of a happy meal."
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warned us of the "Birth Control Death Plan". Black and Hispanic women are producing children by the millions while, according to statistics, the white race is at zero population growth. John Labruzzo has a mental disorder. It is called "fear of a Black planet." We'll be studying this global disorder further on this blog.

"Thank the Lord for my kids, even if nobody else want 'em."
Tupac Shakur from the song "Keep ya head up"

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