Thursday, September 4, 2008


Today, embattled Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick plead guilty and agreed to serve 4 months in jail, pay a 1 million dollar restitution and step down as mayor among other things. He cannot run for public office for five years. Our brother made some very irresponsible mistakes during his tenure as "hip hop"mayor, but he also proved that he had to talent to run one of America's largest city. Sometimes God has to take us to our lowest point before he takes us to His higher heights. Pick your head up Kwame. Those who judge you are not without sin. Only God can truly judge us. Pluse, I'VE SEEN BLACK MEN COME BACK FROM WORSE!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Damn!!! 4 months... I can only hope that he learns his lesson. You think this episode will deter young Black Males from getting elected in " Da D?" I consider Detroit my second home. My father's family all reside there and I have spent lots of my young adult days relaxing on the shores of Bell Isle. It pains me to see a young Black Politician with such promise fail himself and his people miserably. And knowing Detroit like I do... It should have greatly benefited from such tenacious leadership... However, materialism will eventually be the death of most... And he had such a wonderful Foundation ( The Shrine).
