Monday, November 30, 2009

Monday Morning Jab: "The Danger of Gambling With Your Thoughts"

By: Deric Muhammad

The mind is a powerful thing. That statement is a gross understatement. "As a man thinketh, so is he" is and always will be a mathematical statement. No matter how hard we try to hide our thoughts, they eventually manifests in what we say and ultimately what we do.
Our condition usually bears perfect witness to the way that we think. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that man's brain is "infinite." This is a very powerful statement. Man's brain is so powerful that anything that he or she truly believes can be achieved. Unfortunately most human beings have been conditioned to give way to limitations that those who rule the world don't even pay attention too. We are all products of our thoughts.

Most of us go throughout the day "gambling" with thought. We allow ourselves to be destracted by destructive thoughts. What I mean by "destructive" is we allow ourselves to be programmed by information and ideas that work "against" what we desire to achieve in life. Once our conscious mind feeds these self-defeating thoughts to the subconscious mind failure is inevitable. What we must do is reverse engineer this process and program our minds to think forward and not backwards. We must stop throwing the dice with our thoughts!!!

I observe world champion boxer Floyd Mayweather during his, sometimes, televised training sessions. Mayweather is aguably the most ambitious trainer in sports. He trains nonstop, sometimes spontaneously at 3am in the morning. He leaves the nightclub parties, goes home and puts in his "miles. The proof is in his performance. Many people can't stand him, because they say that his arrogant, cocky and obnoxious. The same could be said about Muhammad Ali. But both of these great fighters professed their greatness so loud and long that they began to believe in it themselves. I think Mayweather talks so much trash in training that he convinces his conscious mind to convince his subconscious mind that that he is the best and that he is going to win. Hate him or love him; he is undefeated. It's not so much that he is playing a mind game with his opponent as it is he is playing a mind game with himself.

I am not encouraging you to be proud, arrogant or boastful. I am encouraging us to program our minds with the affirmatives of a champion. The greatest way to do this is through prayer and meditation on your desired goal; then you must get up and "work, work work" to make it a reality.

This week determine a goal that you want to accomplish. Box out all negative, lukewarm thinking and declare that "it will be so" with the help of God. Talk to yourself about it. Yes, I said talk to yourself (most of do it anyway). Turn off the football game, soap opera, 106th and Park, Twitter and all things not associated with the reaching of the goal. Instead read a book that inspires you to reach the goal, contact mentors that can guide you in the right direction and most importantly talk to God. Your mind is the most valuable resource that you possess. If you feed it productively it will draw unto you all the right things. Don't gamble with your brain cells by giving them over to negativity and non-productivity. You will ultimately be fed from the universe what you have already fed to your own brain, so why leave it to chance. This is my Monday morning jab. I pray it connects.

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